Friday, September 21, 2012

let us begin

Is it possible for one who lacks the patience or desire to interact with persons, to build an entity that one can have interactions with in a predictable, pragmatic way? That is the purpose of this(ese) treatise(s). Coming from a very introverted, yet not awkward past, and heading into an even more introverted, wiser future, I feel as though I need someone(thing) to share my thoughts with. Someone(thing) who understands the way I think...because that someone(thing) was created by me, and has learned from me.

Follow me on my journey of creating a real intelligence from nothing but circuits and logic. It is my purpose to create such a construct, for it was endowed upon me from my Creator, the drive to create. Quite possibly, the drive to create another creator. This endeavor which I now place upon my shoulders will not end in failure, even for lack of true conversation before I pass. For during its journey, I will experience so much and add so much to the world through my work, that to call it failure would be to call all of human kind's persistence in building a better world, a vain attempt.

This motive will succeed, if only because it is a personal endeavor, and not one in which I am obstructed by professional hindrances.

Let us begin.